所在地 | 〒 |
カテゴリ | 演劇、舞踊・バレエ、その他 |
公式サイトURL | http://shinodachiharu.com/ |
設立 | - |
受賞歴 | |
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活動紹介 | 世界を思考嗜好し、人・物・出来事を配置compose作曲する演出家、作家。 1982年東京生まれ。2004年に多摩美術大学映像演劇学科の同級生らと快快(ex:小指値)を結成し、2012年に脱退するまで中心メンバーとして所属する。2013年現在バンコク在住。 作品を創る場に集まる人たちとの集団制作を基本とし、素材を的確に配置するためのコンセプト作りが一番の特徴。そのコンセプトは時にロマンチックに、時にプレイフルに、だけど基本はシステマチックな楽譜のようなコンセプトで全体を構成・制作している。 Theatre director Playwright Event organizer Born in Tokyo, in 1982. In 2005, graduated from Tama Arts University, Faculty of Film and Theatre. Was one of the founding members of Koyubichi theatre group, started in 2004 by students of the same faculty. In 2008, the group changed its name to faifai, and Shinoda continued to take a major role in the group, mainly direction and scriptwriting. She has been active not only in theatre, but in various other fields as well, including dance, movie, parties and other events. Her theatre performances are often transformed to complex events as well, as they are often adapted to the time a place of the actual performance, and complemented with various elements, such as special lobby decoration and other activities, talk, party,etc. before and after the show.And drawing from her abundant activities crossing state borders, she also writes for a number of online and printed magazines. |
問い合わせ先 | http://shinodachiharu.com/お問い合わせ-contact/ |